There is plenty of information available online on full time trading and how to do it effectively, but what about those who want to start as part time traders first? Well, this article is for them. The way trading is discussed it seems that the ultimate mark of success as a trader is to be […]
Tips for Building a Profitable Trading Model/Strategy Posted onJUNE 12, 2018 BY ATTIQUE-UR-REHMAN KUNDI The forex market operates 24×7 and offers a plethora of opportunities to the traders to earn attractive profits. However, traders must create appropriate trading strategies or models for maximizing their loss as well as minimizing their profits. Here, discover some of the most relevant […]
How important is trading the right position size? Does it have an impact on your trading account in the long run? Is this something you should be thinking about? In this blog we answer all these questions and more. Let’s start from the basics. What is position size? As you might already know, there are […]
One of the biggest issues in trading is maintenance of a balanced approach towards it. A lot of new traders think that there must be some kind of secret to trading that the professionals and experienced traders know and the newbies aren’t being told about. Truth of the matter is, there are no secrets. Trading […]
Introduction: Operating in the currency market called Forex is not only a unique opportunity to increase the amount of your resources, but also a very serious and sometimes heavy task. It requires a good preparation both theoretical and practical.Practicing Forex trade will lead to profit as well as losses. No matter how smart you are, […]
If you are new to Forex trading you have probably read a lot about how you should have a great trading plan. What you might not have heard is how to go about making one. If this is the situation you find yourself in, this blog post is for you. Given below are the main […]
If you are new to trading, chances are that you’re feeling quite overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tools and platforms dedicated to trading. With a market as big as Forex and trillions being traded on a daily basis, it is a given that there will be many wanting to build their businesses on the […]
Introduction: Operating in the financial markets carries many risks, including the most important: the risk of making a wrong decision. The dream of any operator is to find a trading method that always works correctly. A trading system is a necessary condition to enter the market, and this system must be profitable, of course. When newcomers […]
What exactly is Forex Trading? What are the benefits and drawbacks of investing both your time and money in Forex Trading? Is Forex Trading fruitful? These are some of the questions you pondered over before diving into the ocean of Forex Trading and have your answers. What you’re looking for here are tips, suggestions, inside […]
In previous blogs I have written about the need to record your trades and also listed the best journal options out there. However, if you are a new trader you might be struggling with the most efficient way to record that will help you analyze your trades. When it comes to conducting Forex analysis or improving upon it, half the battle […]
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