There is plenty of information available online on full time trading and how to do it effectively, but what about those who want to start as part time traders first? Well, this article is for them. The way trading is discussed it seems that the ultimate mark of success as a trader is to be […]
How important is trading the right position size? Does it have an impact on your trading account in the long run? Is this something you should be thinking about? In this blog we answer all these questions and more. Let’s start from the basics. What is position size? As you might already know, there are […]
A lot of people struggle with disciplining themselves when working from home and Forex traders are no exception to this rule. However, when it comes to successful trading discipline does play a key role. In this piece we are going over some of the main things that can help traders form a productive routine and make sure […]
One of the biggest issues in trading is maintenance of a balanced approach towards it. A lot of new traders think that there must be some kind of secret to trading that the professionals and experienced traders know and the newbies aren’t being told about. Truth of the matter is, there are no secrets. Trading […]
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a huge problem when it comes to trading, not just for new traders but even those who have been doing it for a long time. It can make one take hasty decisions and also generally causes Forex trading to become much more stressful than it needs to be. […]
There are approximately 10 million forex traders in the world today and around $6.6 trillion are traded in the forex market on a daily basis. These numbers are, frankly, quite impressive. If $6.6 trillion is going into a market in a day, you wouldn’t think that people would worry about it being a scam, and yet here […]
Forex trading has emerged as a lucrative career option for young graduates, people with financial backgrounds and experienced professionals. It is mainly due to high liquidity, 24/7 schedule and easy accessibility. But Forex trading has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Pros! Cons: The Bottom Line! Though forex trading seems to be a lucrative and […]
The short answer to the above question is; not always. This question and its honest answer bring to light a part of Forex trading that is often overlooked. The fact that not all market analysts make good traders proves that there is more to trading than just getting the numbers right. How can market analysts and […]
You might have heard this being said plenty of times that you ‘need to figure out the trading style that works best for you’. If you are a new trader you probably have no idea how to do this. In this article we are discussing exactly this so that you can think of ideas besides […]
Even though all traders know that they can’t always win, losing still stings. Small losses are everyday occurrences (quite literally) but it’s when a trade that you had high hopes for falls through that it gets hard to bounce back from it. This article is for anyone who might be struggling with this type of […]
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