USD forms 87% of all the trades carried out in the forex market. It is also the most used reserve currency. Why? Before getting into the why, let’s quickly take a look at the position the US Dollar occupies in the world. USD’s unique position in the world A reserve currency is one in which most of […]
Is currency manipulation possible? Yes. Can a retail trader do it? No. Manipulation is when the value of a currency is temporarily lowered or improved. This is usually done by countries (central banks) to their own currency. If the value needs to be depreciated, the central bank will create a supply and if the value needs to […]
It is often said that forex trading is taxing emotionally and mentally. A lot of new traders who get into this market are not prepared for the mental labor and discipline required by it. If you are someone just entering the market and worried about the psychological aspect of trading and wondering about how successful […]
Ever heard of asymmetric trading? Well, if you haven’t here it is, one of the key forex trading strategies and concepts out there. This blog is a beginner’s guide to Asymmetric Trading; what it is, how it works, and whether it can be any good to you will all be discussed. Let’s start at the […]
If If you’ve been following the news recently you might have heard that globally there is an economic recession underway due to COVID-19. In uncertain times like these the US Dollar is still remaining considerably stable and in fact gaining in value. Why is that? How is that when strong currencies like the British Pound and […]
If If you’ve been following the news recently you might have heard that globally there is an economic recession underway due to COVID-19. It is a concept that is discussed quite often for its merits and offered prospects, but rarely for the risks involved. In this article we are aiming to provide the reader with a […]
With the amount of information that’s available on the internet on currency trading it is understandable if new traders get overwhelmed, which they tend to, when looking to get started. This article is meant to offer some clarity to aspiring traders and hopefully help them launch their trading careers. So if you are thinking about […]
Before getting into the tips, let’s quickly revise the meaning of Position Sizing. Your position size is the amount of currency units you are trading. Since in forex, currency units are measured in lots, the position size is the number of lots you take on. Position size is the first step that one can take […]
The short answer to the above question is; not always. This question and its honest answer bring to light a part of Forex trading that is often overlooked. The fact that not all market analysts make good traders proves that there is more to trading than just getting the numbers right. How can market analysts and […]
Market sentiment is given a lot of importance in Forex trading and for good reason. In this blog post we are discussing what Forex market sentiment is and how it helps traders. So if you are interested in learning more about currency trading and improving your trades, this might help you. What is Market Sentiment? […]