There are approximately 10 million forex traders in the world today and around $6.6 trillion are traded in the forex market on a daily basis. These numbers are, frankly, quite impressive. If $6.6 trillion is going into a market in a day, you wouldn’t think that people would worry about it being a scam, and yet here […]
Forex trading has emerged as a lucrative career option for young graduates, people with financial backgrounds and experienced professionals. It is mainly due to high liquidity, 24/7 schedule and easy accessibility. But Forex trading has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Pros! Cons: The Bottom Line! Though forex trading seems to be a lucrative and […]
Central Bank interest rates! There is a direct connection between interest rated fixed by the central bank and prices of the currency pair in forex market. If a central bank increases the interest rates this means that their economy is booming and they are optimistic about future. On the other hand if banks cut down the interest rates then […]
As they say, there are no shortcuts or single formula for success, so is the case for Forex markets. No single strategy can lead you to success in the market. On the contrary mindful analysis, balanced state of mind and risk management can surely do. In the following content, we have come up with timeless strategies that […]
The forex market is immensely popular across the globe, primarily because it offers ample opportunities for earning attractive profits. It is one of those markets that never sleeps, i.e. the forex market is always operating in one or the other part of the world. As one of the largest and decentralized markets in the world, the […]
Forex trading is meant for those who have a knack for trading, despite the market pressures and rate fluctuations. Although many find the forex industry to be boring and complicated, the truth is that it is full of fun and interesting facts. So, continue reading to discover 10 fun & exciting facts about the forex […]
TRADING STRATEGIES & TRADING TIPS If you are in trading business, the solitary nature of your profession needs no further mention. Therefore, it is clear that you need to set up goals and stick to those to keep going with a determined and positive mindset. We are almost at the end of the first month of […]
What do 98% of the traders do? Give up? Yeah, some of them do that with the first taste at failure, other just keep on spending money on the hope of hitting their big jackpot. Not even 2% of them make the cut. Depending on others choices and decisions is what other traders do, they […]
Day traders are the ones who would buy and sell Stocks the same day. They would usually square off their trades the same day and would not carry it forward to the next day. They typically want to generate substantial profits from small price fluctuations. This is why they are required to involve a large capital […]
Trading styles are differentiated into four main groups: The purpose of this piece is to take a closer look at these four styles and discuss the good and bad in each to help new traders decide the one they would like to go for. Instead of comparing pros and cons as is done often in […]